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BODY SLIM SUIT baju pelangsing infrared 081291625333

Update Terakhir
02 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
1 Karton
Dilihat Sebanyak
42 kali
Rp. 550.000

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Detail BODY SLIM SUIT Baju Pelangsing Infrared 081291625333

VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT / 081291625333 / 2b19bbce SLIMMING CLOTHES PRICE Rp.550.000 Lose Weight With Your Clothes Slim Infra Red. Eternal is a slim suit that can help women who have weight problems achieve ideal body weight. Unlike other slim clothes, equipped with infrared that can memaksimakan impression in the process of losing weight. Why Keep Slim danTurunkan shirt Slim Weight With SLIM BODY SUIT? Slim shirt is equipped with far infrared rays. The far infrared ray may improve blood circulation as well be slender and lose weight. Prices are cheap and berpatutan. Appropriate for all classes. This slim shirt worn flexible. Glory is very slim shirt worn. Slim shirt is also equipped with anti-bacterial and anti-germ. Slim shirt color is also resistant restless. This slim dress really easy to clean. This slim shirt also has obstacles to UV rays. HOW wash SLIM BODY SUIT This slim to wash clothes, please follow the washing tips stated this. Washing the correct way would be to lengthen the life period clothes BODY SLIM SUIT This slim. * Use a gentle soap that is created for underwear * Make sure the amount of detergent used is consistent and dissolved by right * Do not use any type of laxative * The laundry is a simple hand * BODY SLIM SUIT Rinse well because soap is left will shorten the life term of this slim shirt. * BODY SLIM SUIT This slim shirt Milch to remove water carefully or keringkannya among the towel-towel. * BODY SLIM SUIT Never rinse or dairy by using a dryer or washing machine. * BODY SLIM SUIT Sidai in a place that is not exposed to sunlight continues. * BODY SLIM SUIT For washing hands, do not use a plastic brush. Use scouring brush or a soft brush. This is to keep this slim dress Fabric. Tips washings stated above may be used for other clothes to lengthen the life term of the clothes. SLIM BODY SLIMMING CLOTHES SUIT Between function infrared slimming clothes are: - 1) BODY SLIM SUIT solve excessive fat or calorie 2) BODY SLIM SUIT memperbetulkan circulatory and ions in the body 3) BODY SLIM SUIT deflates the stomach, raise your back and shrink peha 4) BODY SLIM SUIT reduce fatigue 5) BODY SLIM SUIT reduce muscle and waist sakit2 Among impression perceptibly during use SLIM BODY SUIT: - 1) often sweat 2) feels the heat 3) frequent thirst or drink 4) frequent urination 5) often dispose of the wind 6) often belch ORIGINAL PRODUCTS, QUALITY ASSURANCE AND QUALITY. The quality of goods we sell are guaranteed authentic. SEEKING AGENT IN REGIONS OUTSIDE Special Wholesale prices. For Information or consultation Please Send the SMS / Phone at: Outside the Island / City: 081 291 625 333 hp. 0852 1090 2003 ( T-SEL) HP. 0857 7870 2003 ( ( I-SAT) BB PIN 2B19BBCE Payment Method: Transfer to Bank Account below: BCA: 2481-6835-66 BNI: 022-6366-54-9 BRI: 0865-01-002969-50-9 SELF: 101-00-0651285-7 A / N: RIZKI ANDRIANI After Transfer Please Confirm: YOUR NAME YOUR ADDRESS # , # # THE ORDER OF TRANSFER TO BANK TRANSFER # # SPECIFY DATE OF SUBMISSION. Money order entry directly tell us via special delivery DELIVERY SERVICE in accordance with the agreement. ORDER IN A SHORT TIME.
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